Monday, February 28, 2011

i hate aliens.

Hey guys :)

So, I was watching TV earlier, with my boyfriend, and a new commercial came on showing a new movie Disney is coming out with called "Mars Needs Moms."

Oh. my. goodness. 

Now, as a disclaimer, I LOVED Lilo & Stitch (and if you haven't seen it.. GO WATCH IT NOW!  It's adorable.).  But...

These aliens.. in this new movie.. are FREAKY lookin'...  I mean, weird, stretched out faces, the babies are grossly hairy, and they have legs that work backwards, like an ostrich or something.  I mean, I know they're aliens and they aren't supposed to look like us, but c'mon.  IT'S DISNEY! At least make 'em cute!  There's one scene in the preview where there's a little naked baby alien, I guess, and it FREAKING JUMPS AT THE SCREEN!  I literally started crying.

Now.. I should also say... that I'm a HUGE baby and it doesn't take much to scare me.  But really.. it's creepy.  I'd post a picture of the aliens here, but I don't want to freak myself out, 'cause it's late and I would like to get some sleep tonight.  

I just wanted to share my experience with you.  
Also, I uploaded a new video to YouTube:

Have a lovely day!  And try not to let aliens freak you out.. 


Thursday, February 24, 2011

a simple part of life.

I love sunrises.  
Having 8 o'clock classes every Tuesday and Thursday gives me the chance to see them.  Here are just a few pictures I've taken over this past semester.  :)

This one was taken at my Mom's house, from her front porch.

These next two were taken on my way back up to school one morning.  I love the mountains. :)

I took this next picture while I was waiting for the bus one morning.

And THIS one is my most favorite sunrise picture of all.  I took it just as I got to campus before class.

We gotta remember the simple things in life.  Sometimes, they're the only things that get us through.  It makes me feel good knowing that I get to see sunrises like this. :)  


Sunday, February 20, 2011

a small haul.

Hello. :)  
I've recently (over the last week, or so) bought a few new things that I just wanted to share with you. :)

Two new nail polishes, both by Revlon.  The top color is Lilac Pastelle (product no. 185) and the bottom color is Minted (product no. 85).  They both are relatively sheer, and for as much as I paid for each of them (approx. $3.60 a bottle), I was expecting better color pay-off.

Two Jesse's Girl nail polishes.  These are much cheaper than the previous two, about $2.99 a bottle, and the color pay-off is awesome.  The purple one is called Wild Thing, and the orange is called Crush.  They're both neon colors, and Wild Thing dries matte.  The only negative that this polish has is that it's pretty streaky.  My nails in these pictures are painted with Crush and I had to apply 3 coats just to even out the streaks.

My rings!  I mentioned my new black rose ring in a post a few days ago (I got it at Rue 21 for $1, and that's 'cause it was on sale).  My new turquoise stone ring I got at Target for $7.99 (and actually, it was my sister who bought it for me.  It was very nice of her to feed my addiction like that. :] )  I LOVE them!  :)

My video is currently taking five thousand years to upload onto YouTube, but as soon as it is up, I'll post a link right here:

Have a loverly day!

:)  A.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

a trip to see cadavers.

Went to the Museum of Life and Science in Greensboro today with my mom and my sister and saw the Bodies Revealed exhibit.  First off, let me just say.. I have this thing with dead people.  I've never been to a funeral, never seen a dead person (heck, I've never even had a family pet die.. well, hamsters, but they're a dime-a-dozen..).  Death to me is eerie and odd, BUT..  I respect it, you know?  I mean.. if you think about it (if you even want to think about it this way) we're all dying anyway.  

But anyhoo...  this exhibition was incredible.  We walked into a room first where we were greeted by a small statured (is this a word??) man whose skin had been removed and whose musculature was very nicely revealed.  He was upright, and standing silently.  What was cool about this exhibit, also, was that the cadavers weren't encased in a glass case... they were out in the open... we could have touched them if we wanted to (but it wasn't allowed).  It was so cool to see the parts of the body that we don't ever think about.  There was SO much there: cross-sectioned parts of the body including the brain and an ENTIRE BODY, healthy and diseased organs, embryos at different stages (yes, real embryos that all perished because of complications during pregnancy), and AN ENTIRE HUMAN CIRCULATORY SYSTEM!

This has no bones, tissue, muscles, or anything except for veins - this is the entire circulatory system removed from a body.  How cool is that??  

Now, even though the exhibit was SUPER cool and very interesting, it still was a little odd.  I mean, c'mon.. we're not any different from the bodies we were looking at.. all the cross-sectioned pieces, all the interesting details that were highlighted are all inside of us.  It's silly, I know, to talk about such common knowledge - but it's still odd.  I mean.. every single one of the bodies I looked at today had eyebrows still, AND eye lashes on their eyelids.  One even had hair in their ear (and I say ear, singular, because it was only one half of a head)!!  They also had fake eyeballs in their head.  I know that seems unimportant and kinda like, duh.. of course they have eyebrows and hair and eyes... but.. they were dead...  and I felt that the bodies were being presented in such a straight-forward, medical, formal, impersonal way, that eyebrows and eyelashes made them too personal.  And the eyes animated them in a way that was way too real for me to handle at times; like, I kept finding myself studying the faces more than the bodies themselves.  I actually couldn't stare at their faces that long.. because I was sure they were going to move (and I would have fainted instantly if that had happend.. just saying...).  I know hair and eyes seems odd to be weirded out by, especially in an exhibit where bodies have been cut open and revealed in very.. revealing ways (ha!), but it reminded me that they were people.  And.. it was odd.  

Just wanted to share my experience with you.  I wish I could have taken pictures, but it wasn't allowed.  They actually made us turn our phones off before we went into the exhibit.  But if you want to see what I saw, just Google search "Bodies Revealed" and you get some pretty cool images.  

I'm off to bed!  Hopefully my next blog will be as interesting as this one!  (or maybe I'm the only one who thought it was cool...).

<3 A. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

a hint of personality.

Good afternoon, guys. :)  You know, I never understood how important it was to have a sense of style, your own unique way of expressing your personality.  If you've never heard of Kandee Johnson, she's on YouTube, go look her up right now.  She's FULL of personality and isn't ashamed to show it.  She tells us to dress to impress ourselves everyday, and dress HOWEVER we want.  Be confident in yourself and in your personality to rock whatever look you want to wear.  
A really important part of my style is accent color and interesting accessories.  I typically where neutral colors for clothes on a daily basis (black and white, mostly).  I do this so that my accessories and splashes of color have more of an impact.  Here's a little glimpse into some of the unique items that I have (I have many many more - this is just a taste!)

EVERY day to class I use my turquoise Jansport back pack:

I LOVE this back pack (or book bag, as they are typically called here in the south)!!  It's one of my favorite colors, and it's all ONE color, which I tend to like as well.  Big blocks, or areas of color help spruce up my outfits on a daily basis. :)

I just recently got my first pair of Keds for Christmas:

AND I LOVE THEM!!  First off, they're purple, which makes them awesome already, and second off, they're quite possibly one of the most comfy pairs of shoes I've ever owned. I plan on getting more colors.  Red will be next. 

And finally, A HUGE RING!

I just got this ring a few days ago at Rue 21 for a dollar (it was on sale) and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!  I have several big, chunky, unique rings (it's kind of an obsession...), but this is one of my new favorites. :)  I wore this ring to class today.  It completed my ensemble perfectly. :)

Don't be afraid to be you!  I'm off to my Ancient Medicines class now. :)  

<3 :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

a small favorite. :)

Nail polish is like a small addiction to me.  I have many colors.  One of my favorite nail polishes I have is this one:

It's by Essie (and, therefore, is a wee bit expensive - I got mine on sale.).  It's a matte top-coat.  It takes the shine off of normal nail polish, like this:

It adds nice variety to typical nail polish.  Sometimes, if I'm too lazy to change the color of nail polish I'm wearing, I'll just brush this matte top-coat on and continue wearing the same color.  (And if you're wondering, the color on my nails is by Rimmel).

I love this nail polish!  If you feel like it, you can check out my video on YouTube about my ENTIRE nail collection [ ].


Monday, February 14, 2011

valentine's day '11

It's that time of year again. Valentine's Day. 

I was talking to my boyfriend earlier today, and he brought this point up.. and I have to say that I agree:  who ever decided that people needed to designate ONE DAY out of the year to show our special someone how much we love them?  Shouldn't you be loving them all year long..?  Now don't get me wrong.. chocolates, stuffed animals, flowers, and romantic cards are lovely to get.. but do you really need to get them to know how much your someone loves you?  Just give 'em a kiss.. and a hug.. and tell them you love them and all they are to you and do for you.  I'm not trying to hate on Valentine's Day for those of you who look at it as their favorite day of the year, but I just think it's more of a commercial, money holiday than it is a personal, emotional one.  

I love my boyfriend, and I don't need a holiday to help me say it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Patches and Elsa.

As promised, here are my other two kitties:

Patches :)  She's 13, like Buttons, and, also like Buttons, has been a member of my family since I was a little kid.  She loves her family and her food. :)

tee hee.. This picture makes me laugh. :)  This picture sums up Patches perfectly.

And finally:

Elsa. :)  Not quite as friendly as our other three kitties, but she has her moments.  She doesn't like a lot of noise, or a lot of people surrounding her.  She's content to lie under my mother's bed all day, and only come out to eat and to lay on top of the bed with my mom when it's time for bed.  She's an individual.  But, she's a part of the family too.. and I love her just as much as the others. 

I've just uploaded a new video to YouTube:
Hope you enjoy it!  

Until tomorrow... Allison :)

a short break from ROMAN SEX! ha!

I LOVE ancient Roman culture.  The art, the architecture, the cities and gods... ALL of it fascinates me. :)  I have a test in my Roman Art class on Tuesday.. it's what I'm currently studying for.  I just got done reading a particularly, um, interesting article by scholar John Clarke about erotic art in ancient Pompeii.  If you've never heard about it, or read about it, or at least seen pictures about it, GO DO IT NOW!!  It's a very cool topic.  You just have to view it from an ancient Roman's perspective... you can't put ancient Roman art into our modern context.. 'cause then you're gonna think that they paint the walls of their homes with porn.  Not the case.  

This is the Roman god Priapus.  Notice his particularly large phallus.  He was the god of fertility and prosperity, and in the fresco here, from the House of the Vettii at Pompeii, he's weighing his member against a bag of gold, emphasizing that it's "worth its weight" in gold... signifying its importance.  Also notice the basket of fruit at his feet, a symbol that he wishes great bounty and harvest to his people, so that they can prosper.  To the ancient Romans, "erotic art" was a symbol of status.  Nothing more... nothing less.  Also, this particular painting being a good example of this, it was a symbol of good blessings and good luck.  Not so bad when you look at it this way, right?

ANYways.. now that you've had your art history lesson for the day, ha ha, I'd better get back to studying.  Got lots to read and not a lot of time to memorize it!  
- Allison -

a morning with Buttons and Maximus. :)

Good morning!!  Or afternoon, rather, since it's almost noon here. :)  These are my two babies. :)  The pretty girl on the right is Buttons, and the upside-down monster on the left is Maximus.  These are two out of the FOUR (!) kitties that my family has.  

Maximus is only 3.  He's a MONSTER!  But, he's the most loving, sweet, chill kitty you'll ever meet.  (There will be PLENTY of Max pictures to come!)

This is my girl. :)  Buttons.  She's nearly 13 years old, and still as sprite as ever.  She's a lover, and will give anything for a nice, warm lap to curl up into.  You give her that, and she'll be your friend forever. :)  

I'd post pictures of my other two kitties, but they aren't close to me right now.  And, since I really should stop procrastinating and start studying for the ENORMOUS tests I have on Tuesday, it's probably a good idea that I don't go looking for them.  But I'll put pictures up later of them.  They're pretty cute too. :)

I don't come home very often.  I live where I go to school in my own apartment, and home for me is about 2 and a half hours away from there.  So, with gas prices slowly creeping their way back up into ridiculous territory, I tend to stay at school most of the time.  But every once in a while, lately it's been every weekend, I shoot down the mountain and visit home.  My kitties are a HUGE incentive for me to come, since I can't have pets at my apartment ('cause if I could, I'd have taken at least Buttons already).  But the atmosphere away from all the classes and tests and homework and bills and chores and responsibilities is worth coming home for too.  That and the full bed I get to sleep in. :)  

Well, I'm off to study!  Roman Art, here I come..  Wish me luck!

Until later..
Allison, Buttons, and Max. <3  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A snowy februrary morning.

Good morning, all :)  Look at this snowy-ness outside my apartment this morning!

I have an 8 o'clock class this morning.  One would have hoped that this lovely snow this morning would have brought with it an excuse to cancel at least those early morning classes that all of us college students only take BECAUSE they're the first to get cancelled, at least during the early part of this spring semester.  
Oh well.  I sit here, waiting for my roommate to finish getting ready so that I can snag a ride to class, sipping on my wonderfully hot coffee that I usually am in too much of a hurry to finish, while my sister nods off for the last 15 minutes, or so, before we have to get up and trek to class in the snow.  These are my favorite kinds of mornings, 'cause I love the snow.. it's why I moved to the mountains for school.  I love me some hot coffee, and the chance to spend some time with my sister, since we're not mortal enemies anymore like we were in high school and middle school.  

Today's going to be a good day, I think.  How can a day that starts with snow AND coffee not be good?


a small hello!

Hello to all that have found me here on!  For those that don't know me, my name is Allison.. I'm a full-time Art History student.  For my own privacy reasons, I'm not going to talk about where I live or where I go to school specifically.  I LOVE all things make-up, all things random, and all things involving Mike Rowe. :)

I have a Youtube channel.  You should check it out:

It's currently 1:17 AM and I cannot sleep.  I find this to be a very typical occurrence for me.  I like the quiet of the middle of the night (even though the people who live above me are currently bowling, it sounds like, in the room directly above mine.).  I don't say this to be creepy.. I just say it to give you all a little insight into me as a person.  I'm a night-owl, as my mother calls it, and since I've always been bad at coming up with interesting, factual tid-bits about me and who I am and what I like, I figured, if you follow my blog, you'll all learn new things about me as I think about them to post here. :)  I'm a forgetful person.. this seems like the best way to do it, ha ha.

So follow my blog!  and go check out my Youtube channel. Leave me comments and suggestions and I'll try to get to everyone that I can.  :)

Looking forward to starting this blog!
Forgetfully yours - Allison