Monday, April 4, 2011

life sucks.

You know...

It doesn't matter how many times I try my hardest to do something that'll make my life a little easier for me.  Seems like there's always something that's just waiting for me to stand up a little straighter so it can knock me down a little lower than I was in the first place.  
I just got a job. That's good, right?  ESPECIALLY considering how long I've been looking.  Well, I don't like my job.  Not that much right now, anyways.  It could just be because I'm still in training and that I don't know all the things I need to know yet, but still.  Part of me was expecting it to be a little different.

A few days ago, as I was leaving for work, my car wouldn't start.  Lovely.  Thankfully my sister parks her car at my apartment, so I was able to get to work, LATE I might add, but now I don't have a car.  And, I really don't have to money to be replacing a bad starter or a bad battery right now.  

My grades are horrible.  I mean, really.... the worst they've ever been.  I've been forgetting to turn shit in, not remembering to study for tests, not giving myself enough time to study even a little for tests, not being prepared for class... etc.  I hate my major, it's not relevant to anything I'm interested in.  I'm only here in school still so that I can get a degree, 'cause that's what I'm spending all this money to be here to get. 

My computer just cut out.  I'm on a campus computer right now.  So, I switched over to and old one my sister gave me a while back... but that just crapped out too.  So now, I'm without a computer  - I have no way of checking my email, my work schedule, my bank account, my facebook, this blog, do online homework or readings.. unless I come to campus.  I don't live on campus.  This is so retarded.

I'm so tired of trying so hard and not seeing any payoff.  What's it gonna take to start seeing some GOOD come out of the hard work I've been doing?  

Welcome to the life of a college student.

I hope your night is better than mine.

1 comment:

  1. Hey---it does sometimes 'seem' to be sucking. But when you would read above post, you may have a smile on your lips. Passage of time cures even the worst wounds inflicted by atrocities of the world. Just give it some time- and things are back to normal.
